Photos: Jeff Curley


What was your first day on a board like?

first day on a board was rough. i remember being so terrified of turning to my toe edge, then sliding out onto my face every time I tried.


Perfect AK shred day?

That's a Hard one. start at 1 am, bootpack up an insane spine wall, shred the line of your life in knee-deep stable blower. or maybe just a free heli with all my best friends with perfect 4,000 vert spine walls in deep stable snow.



All time favorite video part? 

Noah Salasnek's part in "tb7: North of Heaven." His riding was peaking in style and skill. his run on "Blind Faith" is inspiring.


Biggest pet peeve in snowboarding?

"Cool guys"


What’s great about snowboarding right now?

It makes me happy.


Patagonia snowboard ambassador Ryland Bell works as a salmon fisherman in Alaska seven months a year in order to seek powder the rest of the year. Featuring Jeremy Jones.


Who do you think is the best rider in snowboarding, past or present?

That's tough. I'd say Noah Salasnek is my all-time favorite rider. so calculated and he has the best riding style ever. Tom Burt, Dave Hatchett, Jeremy Jones and Johan Oloffson too. Bode Merrill is probably the best all around rider out there these days. 


What are your goals for this season?

Shred as much pow as possible and enjoy life. Hang with good friends in high places.