Frank Salmon.jpg

What was your first day on a board like?

Mind blowing! Think it was '90 or '91, Eaglecrest, 6" of fresh snow, overcast. First day ever on a snowboard and I get two warm-up runs on hooter. Then for my third run of the day, waterfall. Let's just say I fell a lot. But never looked back and I've been riding ever since!


Perfect AK shred day?

One foot of Pow, bluebird, heli and friends! Always got to have some friends to ride with.


All time favorite video part?

Shit, there are so many good ones. But the movie that had the greatest impact was Fall Line Films "Riders on the Storm."


Biggest pet peeve in snowboarding?




Who do you think is the best rider in snowboarding, past or present?

Fuck, this is a hard one to answer. I don't see snowboarders as best ever. I see guys that have/do influence the sport. The ones that are true to themselves and make snowboarding what it is–FREEDOM. Don't get me wrong, I got a butt-load of names that I could drop as influences, but each person is different and needs to find their own path. So, look to the elders in the sport to find the future.


What are your goals for this season?

Rip pow and slay a King in the same day! Get as many days in with the homies as possible. Get shred days in at the B-line compound in Haines!